
Tuesday 24 September 2013

Some Recent Weddings

I've been a little slow with getting my photos on my blog. I think this is going to be one of my hardest accomplishments to overcome! I WILL DO IT! I need to get into a routine with posting my photos. Like my facebook page to keep up to date with my recent work!

Here are some shots from some weddings I've shot this summer. There are more to come but more editing to be done!! :)

Lisa and Josh's wedding was a blast. They are good friends which made it even easier to shoot.. but they make for easy subjects!

 Lisa and Clay had a gorgeous day... We hit up Assiniboine park and got some amazing shots. Congrats guys!

Jennifer and Derek had a gorgeous wedding at The Gates on Roblin. You can see the love these two have for each other. Congrats to the both of you!! 

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